Sunday, July 20, 2003

Pirated from The World Mind Society

We can all see the results of modern destructiveness, yet this simple knowledge is usually not enough to cause a person to fundamentally change. Could it be that we feel we can afford to ignore the condition of our lives, or even the decay of our own bodies and minds? This is no doubt at least partially true. But even more importantly it could be said that like electricity, we tend to take the path of least resistance. In the social context, taking the path of least resistance means two basic things. The first of these is that:

We stay within our threshold of comfort. The human being is already so stressed and overloaded by all the considerations of the modern world, that we feel we cannot take on even one more thing. Our own bodies and minds, let alone the state of the world, are secondary considerations when it comes to making money. This is a predictable reaction to artificiality and unwise social policy. In essence we lack the vital energy to act in ways which are radically different from the normal routine, because it drains us totally of every particle of positivity and vitality.

We feel an extraordinary sense of pressure from our peers to ìperformî according to expected standards. These standards are based upon what this materialistic life is supposed to be. We are told by the media and those in our immediate environment, that the most important thing in life is to ìfit inî and be a ìworthy member of society.î This of course implies competitiveness rather than cooperation, and bank accounts rather than being spiritually accountable.

We say on the one hand that a book cannot be judged by its color, and yet we judge others primarily by their appearance, as in, ìthe clothes make the manî, (or woman). When we ask others, ìWhat do you do?î, (meaning what form of employment do you have) the real question being asked is ìWhat is your social position and value in the eyes of society?î as a determination of how our opinion of them will be formed. Attitudes such as these stem from the belief that life and the meaning it holds, are hollow, that there is no lasting Truth nor real purpose for human existence, other than those defined by a suicidal society. We feel hollowness in our own lives, and the only thing that seems to counteract this depressing state of affairs, is to try to convince others that we are not hollow inside. By convincing them of our worth through a gaudy show of material possessions, we can supposedly boost our own flagging self image, even though we know the entire exercise in futility is a lie. This is the whole reasoning behind, ìkeeping up with the Jonesísî.

It is clear that in order to change effectively, (for it to become a daily reality) we need more than false images or simple knowledge. We need the willingness to suffer the sometimes uncomfortable state of transition from one mode of living to the next, so that a better way of life might be attained. But even more critical is the willingness to challenge the assumptions of society in full, and to care so much for the truth that peer pressure becomes a trivial thing. Inner strength is not defined by onesí ability to take orders without question, to make false appearances or to cater to public opinion. On the contrary, inner strength is best defined as the ability to follow through with onesí own best judgment and aspirations, even when there is not even a single other person who shares the same vision.

The innate capacity of the human is genius. Public action is therefore most restricted not by its ability, but by its willingness to act. It is easy to assume that we can afford the time to put off change for another day, even when convinced of its urgent necessity. In all honesty we no longer have the time as a species upon this living planet to be wasteful, artificial or careless. The products of carelessness and greed have finally caught up with us. For the individual person this is particularly so, because we must employ both intelligence and wisdom, in order to maintain a sane, worthwhile life in this insane age. Each individual must deal with the consequences of what may be called the ìworld karmaî or the ìmisdeeds of past generationsî by living well regardless of pollution, crime rates and corrupt governments. At the same time they must conduct their personal lives in such a way as to maintain good clarity of mind, progressiveness, positivity and naturalness. This is not a part-time task or a hobby to be toyed with. It is a necessary life focus that makes the most out of physical, mental and spiritual potentials, regardless of a society that cares little for its health, sanity or right action. To the truly natural and spiritual person it may be said that all praise is due. Maintaining a natural focus in life rather than a material one however, is the least we can do for ourselves and for this planet as a consequence.

Even if one were inclined to adopt the ideas contained here blindly and without question, they would be of little value. In order to take action with strength and wisdom we must see for ourselves, in our own fashion, the nature of the facts at hand. To live out the Truth is a matter of personal realization. It is necessary therefore, for the reader to see very clearly as a matter of personal experience, the validity of the facts and principles contained herein. This entails a process of checking and double-checking the seemingly preposterous conclusion that our entire civilization is built on the lies of money and social position, (îpowerî). It is necessary to come to grips with this conclusion and its implications, through an honest evaluation of worldly affairs. It is necessary to perceive with unwavering clarity that the things we are expected to strive for, represent a destructive value system that is devastating all life on this world, and us in the process. The reader is therefore strongly urged to question everything they encounter for its accuracy and true usefulness, including the ideas herein. The authors are absolutely convinced that those ideas are universal, and are fully capable of standing on their own by virtue of their consistent merit.

After a person endures the process of de-conditioning themselves of the absurd, urgently repeated suggestions of the media, they may then create a new, better life for themselves. The full potential of mental health may not be enjoyed until the disease of consumerism is cured. After having braved the discomfort of sweeping change, and daring to think for ourselves regardless of the neighbors, a higher stage of personal unfoldment occurs for the progressive person. This process is not for everyone even though everyone would benefit from it, simply because not everyone is willing to live the truth regardless of all else. Most people do not realize that they have been cheated of a full, satisfying life by not following the truth, until or near the time of their death. It is then that the material realm is failing them utterly, when possessions lose their luster and the body its coordination. At this point material things can no longer provide a shelter for further indulgence. It is then that people cry out to God or to cruel fate asking, ìWhy?î, ìWhy must life end this way, and why canít I continue to cling to all the ëthingsí I have known?î It is unfortunate that many people wait until they are nearly dead to take such questions seriously.

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