Thursday, July 24, 2003

Hobopoets Migrate East
by Skald

In September, three hobopoets (Todd, Kristin, and I) will migrate to SE Asia.... to join Matt Salleh. We'll have the beginnings of a new tribe: Hobopoets East!

SE Asia is an ideal location for Hobopoet living. It's extremely cheap to live there. The climate is tropical.... chock full of gorgeous beaches, beautiful islands, and lush rain forests. Its home to a thriving Buddhist tradition. Living in Bangkok is far cheaper than living in the USA. And frankly, its alot more interesting.

Making a living is easy too. There is a high demand for native English speakers. Most schools want teachers to have a Bachelors degree... but its possible to get by without one. Plus, fake degrees can be bought on and around Khao San Road. From what I've read... these will work just fine for securing a job in many schools.

Hobopoets East will be following in the footsteps of many revered ancestors. Eastward migration is a noble tradition of Western pilgrims, dharma bums, and writers: Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder, Joseph Conrad, Somerset Maughm, William Burroughs, Jack Kerouac, Mark Twain, John Lennon, Timothy Leary, etc.....

If you get the urge for spice and adventure, come join us! We'll always have a space for a fellow Hobopoet!

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