Monday, June 04, 2007

Jessica's Birthday

Today is Jessica's birthday. I still think of her often-- but especially on her birthday. I remember her unrivaled enthusiasm for life. Its a trait that all who knew her remember. She was unique in the best and brightest sense of that word.

I hope that today, we can remember that brightness. Of course, I still feel sad when I think about her death. But as time passes, I try to focus more on her life. I feel that she still has much to say to all of us. Even now, she is telling us-- live life with joy, enthusiasm, and passion. Don't waste time on pettiness. Never give in to despair.

This week, take a little time to think about her. Quiet your mind. Remember.

And listen very carefully. You can still hear her speaking. Today. Now.

Visit Jessica's memorial website at:


Anonymous said...

Jessica's memorial site is wonderful!I'm really sad that she is no more, who was so bright and full of life.God bless her soul!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sklad,

Jessica truly appeared to be a wonderful person. You were indeed fortunate to have such a person enter your life.

How's the microbusiness/hobopoet life going? Any updates.

Be Well,

Your younger twin brother from a different mother.